Saturday, July 05, 2014

A note on terminology

I've been reading posts by other bisexual bloggers - Aud at has some cool things to say - and I am getting the sense that it is appropriate and necessary for me to take a moment to talk about the word "bisexual" and what I consider it to mean, both when I identify myself and when I blog about it as an idea.

When I talk about bisexuality, I am talking about the state of feeling attraction independent of gender. Neither gender nor sexuality are binary, or necessarily static. The term "bisexuality" may not be the most obvious choice to represent this concept, since from an etymological standpoint, it does seem to imply a binary state of affairs. That said, it is the term I grew up hearing and associating with the state of being neither gay nor straight. (WHY did it take me so long to consider applying to myself? Seriously, if I knew the answer to that question ... well, I guess I'd have another post or two planned out.)

ANYWAY. It is the term that I feel comfortable applying to myself. In fact, I think it is the term that I actively avoided applying to myself for quite a long time. It is the term that interests me.

Of course, if anyone should comment and identify themselves as pansexual, multisexual, or any other term, I am happy to respect that and refer to people by their chosen term. My term is bisexual.

Oh, and in case the foregoing was insufficiently clear: MY BISEXUALITY IS TRANS-INCLUSIVE. Anyone who has a problem with that can fuck right off.

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